Styled stock photos, Flodesk templates, and Canva templates for creative entrepreneurs

Styled stock images, Flodesk templates, and Canva templates for creative souls, from another creative soul.

Meet the creative soul

Hi, beautiful! I’m Giselle

I’m a brand photographer and I provide creative entrepreneurs, like you, beautiful and soulful images, Flodesk templates, and Canva templates that they can use in their personal brands.

Read the latest blog posts

Looking for branding photography tips, stock photography ideas, Canva tutorials, Flodesk tutorials, and resource tutorials for bloggers? Grab your cup of coffee (or tea) because the blog is the place to go.

Free Flodesk templates for your creative business

Get a free Flodesk email template

Flodesk is my favorite platform for sending beautiful emails to my subscribers.

I designed this template with the sections that I use the most in my emails, and you can get it for free. ๐Ÿ˜

Get a free Flodesk form template

Get this free Flodesk form template to create a beautiful sign up page easily, and keep growing your email list in Flodesk.

Join our Soulful Template Membership

Get access for six months or one year to all our Canva templates, Flodesk templates, styled stock images, and photo background bundles that we sell in our shop for a one-time payment.

My favorite resources for you

Are you looking for ideas to get the best resources for your business? Then read my resource recommendations. From website hosting, to email service providers, to productivity apps, and so much more.

What are you looking for in our shop for creative entrepreneurs?

Flodesk Templates

Styled Stock Images

Photography Backgrounds